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29 Sep 2019>IBrowse 2.5 one month on

Firstly, thank you to everybody who purchased IBrowse 2.5 so far - your support is very much appreciated, as always. Now one month after IBrowse 2.5 was released, it is time for a little update. Everything seems to have gone relatively smoothly, but various issues have cropped up since the release and we hope to have addressed most of those already for the forthcoming update. We've made a list of known issues and the history log continues to be updated with the changes that have been made since the 2.5 release, which are coming in the new update. We also hope to be able to test AmiSSL v4 on real 68k hardware soon, so we can best advise optimum cipher settings in IBrowse for slower hardware.

If you have paid for a key and haven't received it, or initiated an upgrade request and have not received the payment link e-mail, please do get in touch so we can sort things out for you. In the early days, there was some trouble with e-mail delivery, so we want to make sure we resolve everything with all of those customers affected.

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